Addiction – Stop Smoking
The treatment of addiction with Acupuncture has been shown to be very successful, it is used in many addiction clinics throughout the world most notably the National Addiction Detox Association USA (NADA), NADA advocates acupuncture detoxification as an integrated function of addiction treatment.
The National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) recently celebrated 20 years of applying the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine to the treatment of addiction. An estimated 1,500 facilities around the world use the NADA-style of Acupuncture detoxification (“acu detox”) in their programs.
At Taupo Acupuncture we are trained in the NADA system of addiction treatment.
How Acupuncture Helps You Quit
Acupuncture can help people relieve and prevent the withdrawal symptoms caused by nicotine addiction, such as nervousness, insomnia, depression, restlessness and craving for excessive amounts of food. Acupuncture gives them a feeling of well being and self-confidence, which makes it easier for them to give up smoking. After acupuncture, many smokers feel an unpleasant taste in the mouth, which gets aggravated with cigarettes. They will have no more desire to smoke. The treatment is usually 5-12 sessions depending on how many years you smoke and how many cigarettes you smoke per day. Most people are able to stop smoking after their first 3 treatments but need a few more sessions for continuing relief. Some people might need a few additional treatments in three to six months time, for maintenance. According to our experiences, over 70% of cases showed positive results after a course of acupuncture treatment.
20 good reasons to stop smoking
1. Tobacco smoke contains at least 50 known toxic or cancer causing substances
2. Smoking is linked to cancer of the lung, mouth, larynx and esophagus
3. A quarter of all cancers are caused by smoking
4. Lung cancer deaths are higher than any other type of cancer
5. Smoking is linked to cancers of the bladder, pancreas, kidney, stomach and cervix
6. Nine out of ten deaths from bronchitis and emphysema are due to smoking
7. Women who smoke have a greater risk of infertility, miscarriage, premature labour, stillbirth, early neonatal deaths, earlier menopause and osteoporosis
8. Increases the risk of heart disease and stroke at least tenfold
9. Around eight out of ten heart attacks in men under 45 are associated with smoking
10. Cardiovascular disease is associated with smoking and kills more people than cancer does
11. Nine out of ten people with circulation problems are smokers
12. Second-hand smoke kills around 350 New Zealanders each year
13. Smoke is an irritant and within hours can cause sore eyes and sore throats, nasal symptoms, dizziness, nausea and headaches
14. Children exposed to parent’s smoke are more likely to suffer from asthma and glue ear, and more likely to be admitted to hospital with bronchitis and pneumonia
15. Babies born to smoking mothers tend to be smaller at birth
16. Parental smoking is associated with cot death
17. Smoking ages the skin prematurely
18. Smoking causes teeth to get stained brown with nicotine
19. Smokers suffer more from gum disease than non-smokers
20. At a rate of 20 cigarettes per day a smoker will pay around $3102 per year to support the habit. Over 20 years that is $62,040 – two cars or a major house extension or your children’s education
If you would like to make an appointment or if you require more information you may email us at
Quitline: 0800 778 778
The Quitline is a national telephone helpline that provides advice to callers who wish to quit smoking. In addition to support and advice from Quitline advisors, subsidised nicotine patches and gum are available for up to eight weeks. More information:
Visit the Quit Group website