What happens during Treatment



What happens during a Treatment

A typical treatment will begin with an interview in which the main complaint, a past medical history including any medication or other treatments you may be receiving will be recorded, from here a more detailed investigation of the main complaint will be carried out. The diagnostic process in Traditional Chinese Medicine will insure a complete holistic approach to your condition.

Once the interview and diagnosis are completed you will be given an explanation of what treatment is best for your condition. After this you will be asked for your consent to the treatment.

At any stage during the treatment you may withdraw your consent for what ever reason; we will not take offense and will make every effort to make you as comfortable as possible.

From here the treatment will begin, you will be positioned on the treatment table that will allow access to the areas to be needled. This may be face up or down depending on what points will be used.

If sensitive areas need to be exposed you will be given adequate privacy to get changed and will be covered with a towel at all times, in most cases the areas that are needled are legs, arms, back or abdomen.

You are welcome to bring a support person with you if this will make you more comfortable.

The areas to be needled will be disinfected, then the needles will be inserted into the chosen points, only high quality single use sterilised needles will be used (usually between 2 and 10 needles are used per treatment).

The needles are retained between 20 – 40 minutes and are then withdrawn, and disposed of in a medical waste “sharps” container, this may be the end of the treatment or there may be some Massage or Acupressure following the withdrawal of the needles.

After the treatment you may feel more relaxed and calm, in some cases if you are very fatigued you may feel sleepy, this is normal as the body now needs to rest to allow the healing process to continue.   In some cases there may be an acute exacerbation of symptom’s, a “healing reaction”, this usually alleviates in 24 hours and the symptoms then reduce to less than before the treatment in our experience.

If you would like to make an appointment please call/text us on 021-1823767, or if you require more information you may email us at info@taupoacupuncture.co.nz

This page was last updated 10/03/2022